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Showing items for tag UWC Robert Bosch

  • Sienna 德國UWC 畢業年度2023

    Published 25/08/23, by Web Editor



    If beauty is hidden in plain sight then freiburg was as plain as it could be

    The place taught me that love comes in different forms and shapes and often unforeseen

    The journey embarked with three luggages and ended with two, as i left pieces of myself behind as many others do

    Many mistake the journey as a vacation, correction, it was just pure imagination. Because they gave me the chance to imagine, what my life could be without restrictions, how much I could grow as a person, and the places i could go (a book of mariam’s)

    The fights were not pretty but they were all needed, a place for confrontations including with myself, fully intended

    Many highlights I cherish with much love and full gratitude, because the experience we built together had a high rough order of magnitude

    Never have I been challenged intellectually as I have in a place where our teachers care, so much passion was channeling as they taught us not only to learn but to care, about the world around us and that the words we say, matters every second because we could change, the world in front of us and our future todays.

    One thing to remember is that we are not a representation of our countries but a portal to see how they mold our worlds, as culture and traditions are not restrictions but an added brushstroke of art on our beautiful canvases that placed us in this destination

    If home is where the heart is, then my home is nomadic. as I leave the plain and the beauty, I remember they are not static. It will change and remain in its own way, but it’ll stay forever the same in my heart as the place.

    and a reminder, that we’ll be a.o.k

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  • Anthony 德國UWC 畢業年度2024

    Published 11/01/23, by Web Editor

    Anthony紀錄他在德國UWC的精彩生活,喜歡騎自行車環島的同學們大概也會很嚮往一個穿梭德法的12小時騎車之旅。第二輪甄選已經開始,挪威校區今年提供專屬原住民的名額,報名請到, 1月28日截止報名。





    在這裡,想做的很多、甚至太多。常常,忽略了自己的時間與健康狀況其實不允許如此勞碌的生活。在學期的最後,我大病了兩場,徹底與生活切割、與Karthaus做出了完全的隔離。無奈病倒於床上的這些時間,反到,復得了那既熟悉又陌生的平靜、安穩。雖然我錯過了Block Week之後最後一週的所有課堂,但或許,記得在生活中留一處給自己的空間,返回與自己的對話,適度享受那曾經擁有、卻忘記的孤獨。

    可能是 2 個人、大家在演奏樂器和室內的圖像

    可能是 5 個人、大家坐著和室內的圖像

    可能是 4 個人和戶外的圖像

    可能是 6 個人、大家坐著、大家站著和室內的圖像

    可能是 1 人、飲料和室內的圖像



    可能是 4 個人、大家站著、樹、天空和暮光的圖像

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